A Brooch CASE STUDY 2: A brooch is a small piece of jewellery which has a pin at the back so it can be fastened on a dress, blouse or coat. Designs of some brooch are shown below. Observe them carefully. Design A: Brooch A is made with silver wire in the form of a circle with diameter 28mm. The wire used for making 4 diameters which divide the circle into 8 equal parts. Design B: Brooch b is made two colours – Gold and silver. Outer part is made with Gold. The circumference of silver part is 44mm and the gold part is 3mm wide everywhere.


Refer to Design A
1. The total length of silver
wire required is
a) 180 mm
b) 200 mm
c) 250 mm
d) 280 mm

2. The area of each sector of
the brooch is
a) 44 mm2
b) 52 mm2
c) 77 mm2
d) 68 mm2

Refer to Design B

3. The circumference of outer
part (golden) is
a) 48.49 mm
b) 82.2 mm
c) 72.50 mm

d) 62.86 mm

The difference of areas of
golden and silver parts is
a) 18 π
b) 44 π
c) 51 π
d) 64 π

A boy is playing with brooch B.
He makes revolution with it along
its edge. How many complete
revolutions must it take to cover
80 mm?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5

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Priyanka QNA 3 years 2021-12-28T14:09:06+00:00 1 Answer 59 views Enlightened 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Answer: b) 200 mm

    Answer: c) 77 mm2

    Answer: d) 62.86 mm

    Answer: c) 51 π

    Answer: c) 4

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