Assertion: Highly reactive metals are obtained by electrolytic reduction of their molten ore. Reason: Highly reactive metals can be extracted by chemical reduction.


(a) Both the Assertion and the
Reason are correct and the Reason
is the correct explanation of the
(b) The Assertion and the Reason
are correct but the Reason is not
the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but the Reason
is false.
(d) The statement of the Assertion
is false but the Reason is true.

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Priyanka QNA 3 years 2021-12-19T17:08:32+00:00 1 Answer 2111 views Enlightened 1

Answer ( 1 )


    Answer: c
    (c) Assertion is true but the Reason
    is false.

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