(i) State the law that explains the heating effect of current with respect to the measurable properties in an electrical circuit. (ii) List the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends.


(i) State the law that explains the heating effect of current with respect to the measurable properties in an electrical circuit.
(ii) List the factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends.

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ashishqna 2 years 2023-08-20T14:05:28+00:00 1 Answer 1616 views Tech Professional 1

Answer ( 1 )


    i. Joules law of heating states that the heat dissipated across a resistor is directly proportional to [0.5 for naming only]
    (a) the square of the current flowing through it
    (b) The resistance of the conductor
    (c) duration of flow of current. [1.5]
    H=12𝑅𝑡 (alternative answer).
    ii. Resistance of a conductor depends on
    (a) the length of the conductor
    (b) the area of the cross section
    (c) nature of material
    (d) temperature of the conductor.
    (Any two should fetch full marks). [0.5+0.5]

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