In 1916, Gandhiji travelled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasant to struggle against the:


(a) Upper caste people
(b) Landless agriculture labourers
(c) Oppressive plantation system
(d) None of them

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Priyanka QNA 3 years 2021-12-28T14:51:43+00:00 1 Answer 38 views Enlightened 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Answer: (c) Oppressive plantation
    Explanation: Mahatma Gandhi
    successfully organised satyagraha
    movements in Champaran in Bihar, Kheda
    district of Gujarat and Ahmedabad.
    Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in
    January 1915. In 1916 he travelled to
    Champaran in Bihar to inspire the
    peasants to struggle against the
    oppressive plantation system.

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