In which of the following, the image of an object placed at infinity will be highly diminished and point sized? [NCERT Exemplar Problems]
(a) Concave mirror only
(b) Convex mirror only
(c) Convex lens only
(d) Concave mirror, convex mirror, concave lens
and convex lens
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Class 10 science
3 years
2021-11-20T17:51:47+00:00 1 Answer
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Answer ( 1 )
Answer: d
(d) The incident ray coming from the
object placed at infinity will be parallel to
the principal axis. When the parallel beam
of light incident on a mirror or lens,
irrespective of their nature, after
reflection/refraction, will pass or appear
to pass through their principal focus.
Hence highly diminished and point size
image will be formed at their focus.