Q32. Riya and Kajal are friends. Probability that both will have the same birthday isthe same birthday is:


(A) 364/365
(B) 31/365
(C) 1/365
(D) 1/133225

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swatiqna 3 years 2021-12-28T13:54:48+00:00 1 Answer 33 views Enlightened 0

Answer ( 1 )


    Answer: (C)
    Riya may have any one of 365 days
    of the year as her birthday.
    Similarly Kajal may have any one
    of 365days as her birthday.
    Total number of ways in which
    Riya and Kajal may have their
    birthday are:
    365 × 365
    Then Riya and Kajal may have
    same birthday on any one of 365
    days.Therefore number of ways in which
    Riya and Kajal may have same
    birthday are:
    = 365/365 X 365
    = 1/365

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